Thursday, November 4, 2010

Two Types of Business Plan Executive Summaries

by: Dave Lavinsky
Companies seeking capital often ask how long the Executive Summary of their business plan should be. The answer depends upon the use of the summary, mainly determining if 1) it precedes the full business plan, or 2) it will be used as a stand-alone document.

When the Executive Summary precedes the business plan, its length should be short, typically only one to two pages and certainly no longer than three pages. This is because the Executive Summary is not meant to tell the whole story of the business opportunity. Rather, the summary must simply stimulate and motivate the investor to learn more about the company in the body of the plan.

The second type of Executive Summary is a stand-alone document. That is, it is given, by itself, to investors for their initial review. If interested, the investor will then request the full business plan. A stand-alone Executive Summary is often used to limit the flow of information. That is, if an investor is not interested in the general opportunity that your summary presents, you don’t want to reveal to them intimate details of your plan.

Regardless of which type of Executive Summary you are developing, the summary must included the following critical elements:
1. A concise explanation of the business
2. A description of the market size and market need for the business
3. A discussion of how the company is uniquely qualified to fulfill this need

In addition, a stand-alone Executive Summary should include summaries of each essential elements of the business plan. This includes paragraphs addressing each of the following:

- Customer Analysis: What specific customer segments the company is targeting and their demographic profiles
- Competition: Who the company’s direct competitors are and the company’s key competitive advantages
- Marketing Plan: How the company will effectively penetrate its target market
- Financial Plan: A summary of the financial projections of the company
- Management Team: Biographies of key management team and Board members

The Executive Summary is the most critical element of the business plan. If it does not grab the investor’s attention, the investor will neither read nor request the full business plan. As such, spend time developing the best possible summary, create two versions (e.g., stand-alone and full plan predecessor) as appropriate, and work to get it in the hands of the right investors.

About the author:
GT Business Plans has developed over 200 business plans for clients that have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share. GT Business Plans is the sister site of GT Venture Capital


Five Crucial Components Of A Business Plan

by: Cavyl Stewart
Copyright 2005 Cavyl Stewart

The format of a Business Plan is something that has been developed and refined over the years and is something that should not be changed. Like a good recipe, a business plan needs to include certain ingredients to make it work.

When you create a business plan, don’t attempt to recreate its format. Those reviewing this type of document have expectations you must meet. If they do not see those crucial decision-making components, they’ll see no reason to proceed with their review of your business plan, no matter how great your business idea.

Executive Summary Section

Every business plan must begin with an Executive Summary section. A well-written Executive Summary is critical to the success of the rest of the document. Here is where you need to capture the attention of your audience so that they will be compelled to read on. Remember, it’s a summary, so each and every word must be carefully selected and presented.

Use the Executive Summary section of your business plan to accurately describe the nature of your business venture including the need that you plan to fill. Show the reasons why people need your product or service. Show this by including a brief analysis of the characteristics of your potential market.

Describe the organization of your business including your management team. Also, briefly describe your sales and marketing plan or approach. Finally include the numbers that those reviewing your business plan want to see – the amount of capital you seek, the carefully calculated sales projections and your plan to repay the loan.

If you’ve captured your audience so far they’ll read on. Otherwise, they’ll close the document and add your business plan to the heap of other rejected ideas.

Devote the balance of your business plan to providing details of the items outlined in the Executive Summary.

The Business Section

Be sure to include the legal name, physical address and detailed description of the nature of your business. It’s important to keep the description easy to read using common terminology. Never assume that those reading your business plan have the same level of technical knowledge that you do. Describe how you plan to better serve your market than your competition is currently doing.

Market Analysis Section

An analysis of the market shows that you have done your homework. This section is basically a summary of your Marketing Plan. It needs to show the demand for your product or service, the proposed market, trends within the industry, a description of your pricing plan and packaging and a description of your company policies.

Financing Section

The Financing section must show that you are as committed to your business venture as you expect those reading your business plan to be. Show the amount of personal funds you are contributing and their source. Also include the amount of capital you need and your plan to repay this debt. Include all pertinent financial worksheets in this section: annual income projections, a break-even worksheet, projected cash flow statements and a balance sheet.

Management Section

Outline your organizational structure and management team here. Include the legal structure of your business whether it is a partnership, corporation or limited liability corporation. Include resumes and biographies of key players on your management team. Show staffing projection data for the next few years.

By now you’re probably thinking that you don’t need Business Plan just yet. Well you do, and there is business plan building software that can help you through this immense project. These software packages are easy to use and affordable. Use one today and produce a professional-quality Business Plan – including all critical components – tomorrow!

About the author:
Copyright © 2005 Cavyl Stewart. Get more software tips, strategies and recommendations to help you create your business plan by signing up for my Exclusive 100% free, 100% original content ecourse: "How To Failure-Proof Your Business Instantly." To sign up please visit:

Why Should You Have a Business Plan?

by: Simon Weaver
Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering
expanding your current business and require a bank loan or
investment from outsiders?

If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite
likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you
are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business
plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your

A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to
create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a
written business plan is one of the keys to their present
success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate
possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find
solutions that will help you to overcome them.

To find investors or get a bank loan, they will want to see that
you have the experience or resources to run the business. They
will want to see your projected income as well as your suggested
repayment plan already laid out. Taking the time to do this is
not only important for them, but it gives you a measuring tool to
verify if your business is growing properly. You can gage your
success on how close to the plan your business has actually
performed. Perhaps you'll do worse, or perhaps you'll do better,
either way it helps you determine how well your business is
getting on.

If you have never seen a business plan before you may be
concerned that is is too difficult a proposition for you to
manage on your own.

While there are services available where you can hire someone to
write a business plan for you, depending on your needs it may be
wise to familiarize yourself with a business plan's layout. This
will not only help you to provide the necessary information, but
may encourage you to try your own hand at it.

There's a free tool at which will assist you in
creating a business plan. Some of the topics you will be required
to explain are your Market, Customer, Competition, Marketing
Plan, Research & Development along with financial forecasts. You
may consider hiring someone to help you with your financial
sheets after completing the written part of the Business Plan.

Your Business Plan will become your guide and silent business
partner - indicating where you need to improve and helping you
stay one step ahead of your competition. Make it a priority to
have this crucial road map for your business

About the author:
About the author:
Simon Weaver can help YOU
start your own profitable business on the Internet
within the next 24 hours! To learn more, visit:

The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan

by: Dave Lavinsky
How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this. Any more and the time-constrained investor will be forced to skim certain sections of the plan, even if they are generally interested, which could lead them to miss essential elements. Any less and the investor will think that the business has not been fully thought through, or will simply not have enough information to make an investment decision.

Many management teams feel that their company is too complex to describe in 15 to 25 pages. While this is sometimes true, the business plan is not meant to tell the whole story. Rather, the company must be “boiled down” into its essential elements. If the investor is interested, there will be plenty of additional time to tell the whole story.

Business plans, like other marketing communications documents, should be visually appealing and easy-to-read. This can be accomplished by using charts and graphics and by formatting the plan for readability. Effectively using these techniques will enable the investor to more quickly and easily understand the company’s value proposition within fewer pages.

While the body of the business plan should be 15 to 25 pages, the Appendix can be used for supplemental information. The Appendix should include a full set of financial projections, and as appropriate, technical and/or operational drawings, partnership and/or customer agreements, expanded competitor reviews, and lists of key customers among others.

If the Appendix is long, a divider should be used to separate it from the body of the plan, or a separate Appendix document should be prepared. These techniques ensure that the investor is not handed a thick business plan, which will make them queasy before even opening it up.

To summarize, the goal of the business plan is to create interest – not to have an investor write you a check. In creating interest, the full story of your company need not be told. Rather, the plan should include the essential elements regarding why an investor should invest and spend more time examining the business opportunity. The shorter length does not mean that your business plan should take less time to prepare. Rather, it will take more time. As Mark Twain once said, “If I had more time, I would write a shorter story.” Likewise, condensing your business plan to a concise, compelling document is challenging and time consuming. Fortunately the rewards are significant.

About the author:
As President of Growthink Business Plans, Dave Lavinsky has helped the company become one of the premier business plan development firms. Since its inception, Growthink has developed over 200 business plans. Growthink clients have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Business Plan Will Become Your Partner

by: Hans Hasselfors
Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering expanding your current business and require a bank loan or investment from outsiders?

If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your success.

A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a written business plan is one of the keys to their present success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find solutions that will help you to overcome them.

To find investors or get a bank loan, they will want to see that you have the experience or resources to run the business. They will want to see your projected income as well as your suggested repayment plan already laid out. Taking the time to do this is not only important for them, but it gives you a measuring tool to verify if your business is growing properly. You can gage your success on how close to the plan your business has actually performed. Perhaps you'll do worse, or perhaps you'll do better, either way it helps you determine how well your business is getting on.

If you have never seen a business plan before you may be concerned that is is too difficult a proposition for you to manage on your own.

While there are services available where you can hire someone to write a business plan for you, depending on your needs it may be wise to familiarize yourself with a business plan's layout. This will not only help you to provide the necessary information, but may encourage you to try your own hand at it.

There's a free tool at which will assist you in creating a business plan. Some of the topics you will be required to explain are your Market, Customer, Competition, Marketing Plan, Research & Development along with financial forecasts. You may consider hiring someone to help you with your financial sheets after completing the written part of the Business Plan.

Your Business Plan will become your guide and silent business partner - indicating where you need to improve and helping you stay one step ahead of your competition. Make it a priority to have this crucial road map for your business.

About the author:
This Article Was Published By Hans Hasselfors, from Get the net working for you. Join a community of like-minded authors and publishers and make your living online. Become a member of our article directory:

“Why You, Why Now” - A Critical Component of a Winning Business Plan

by: Dave Lavinsky
Business plans continue to be an essential element of the capital-raising process. They must convince investors to take notice - investors that are shrewder today due to the ups-and-downs they have experienced over the past few years.

Adding to the financing challenge is the plethora of high-quality companies, both public and private, in which investors can choose to invest. In this environment, more and more investors are asking companies seeking capital the question "Why You, Why Now"?

The question seems simple at first, but has many complexities. The management team must clearly delineate what it is about the business opportunity that makes it such a good investment now. Should this investment have been made a year ago to cement a market leadership position? Or, is the venture before its time - will slow market adoption cause slow sales over the next few years, and as such, should the investment wait. Questions like these, based on investment failures from the past few years, continue to surface and must be addressed by the management team in their business plans.

Likewise the team must address what it is that makes them uniquely qualified to succeed. Does the team have proprietary (and protectable) technology, management talent and experience that competitors do not, long-term strategic partners? According to Growthink president, Dave Lavinsky, "Management teams must prove to investors why they are unique and why they will succeed. They can't just state how wonderful they are - they need to prove it through detailing past successes and unique qualifications."

A business plan that fails to address the "Why You, Why Now" question, is most likely a business plan that will remain in the stack of "not now" business plans. Business plans must present a compelling argument as to why the investor should invest and in our fast-paced world with unbelievable opportunities and opportunity costs, why investors should invest now.

About the author:
As President of Growthink Business Plans, Dave Lavinsky has helped the company become one of the premier business plan development firms. Since its inception, Growthink has developed over 200 business plans. Growthink clients have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share.

Is It Necessary To Have a Business Plan?

by: scott morris
Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering expanding your current business and require a bank loan or investment from outsiders?

If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your success.

A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a written business plan is one of the keys to their present success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find solutions that will help you to overcome them.

To find investors or get a bank loan, they will want to see that you have the experience or resources to run the business. They will want to see your projected income as well as your suggested repayment plan already laid out. Taking the time to do this is not only important for them, but it gives you a measuring tool to verify if your business is growing properly. You can gage your success on how close to the plan your business has actually performed. Perhaps you'll do worse, or perhaps you'll do better, either way it helps you determine how well your business is getting on.

If you have never seen a business plan before you may be concerned that is is too difficult a proposition for you to manage on your own.

While there are services available where you can hire someone to write a business plan for you, depending on your needs it may be wise to familiarize yourself with a business plan's layout. This will not only help you to provide the necessary information, but may encourage you to try your own hand at it.

There's a free tool at which will assist you in creating a business plan. Some of the topics you will be required to explain are your Market, Customer, Competition, Marketing Plan, Research & Development along with financial forecasts. You may consider hiring someone to help you with your financial sheets after completing the written part of the Business Plan.

Your Business Plan will become your guide and silent business partner - indicating where you need to improve and helping you stay one step ahead of your competition. Make it a priority to have this crucial road map for your business.

About the author:
Scott Morris's personal site on accounting business and business administration
for more information, you can visit